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Q: What were the sky dancer toys?
A: Ask most girls born who grew up in the 1990s and they’ve probably heard of the Sky Dancer toys. These were fairy dolls that stood on a small pedestal-like object. There was a long string that kids pulled, sending the dolls spinning into the air like a helicopter.
Q: How much are Sky Dancers dolls worth?
A: When Sky Dancers were first sold, they were priced at around $8-$25, per the CPSC. These days, a vintage Sky Dancer can fetch up to 64 British pounds (or about $82), reported The Sun. So while Sky Dancers inspire a lot of nostalgia, let’s hope that the memories don’t include an emergency room visit because one of the dolls took out your dad’s eye.
Q: What are Sky Dancers special editions?
A: Several special edition Sky Dancers were released in the mid-90’s to celebrate various holidays such as Christmas, Easter, and Halloween. These Sky Dancers include: This wave of Sky Dancers featured characters from popular fairy tales. Each set came with two Sky Dancer dolls and a unique stand based on that particular fairy tale.
Q: What are the different types of Sky Dancers?
A: The basic line of Sky Dancers included different launcher types: flower, jungle, moon, and sea. These Sky Dancers featured “Magic Rolling” bases that were significantly larger than the standard launcher. The Sky Dancers with “Sparkle Shine Hair” were released without launchers, but featured shining hair. These Sky Dancers were: