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Q: What is the size of the Aircool 24?
A: The AirCool 24 is a small cube-shaped cooler, measuring only 17cm x 17cm x 17cm, making it ideal to be placed on a desk. We evaluated a unit in white color, but there are also options in black and blue.
Q: Can you use COOLAIR 24/7?
A: Unlike other coolers, you can use CoolAir for 24/7. By consuming less power and electricity, it won’t dig a hole in your pocket. This cooler is the best alternative to the traditional one. With many other coolers, you have to be very vigilant and keep monitoring the water level in the tank.
Q: What is COOLAIR?
A: It is a compact and lightweight air cooler that can be placed in any corner of your space. This Lightweight cooler can cool the area around it in just 10 minutes. If compared with other coolers, this cooler is cost-effective and energy-efficient. Unlike other coolers, you can use CoolAir for 24/7.
Q: What is the best portable evaporative air cooler for 2020?
A: Top 5 Best Evaporative Air Cooler Reviews of 2020 Selection. 1. Honeywell 470-659CFM Portable Evaporative Air Cooler. The Honeywell 470-659CFM is a powerful multipurpose evaporative air cooler that can also be used as a humidification unit, in addition to being able to reduce air temperature on hot days.