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Q: How to make a snail terrarium?
A: – Plain ceramics or unpainted pottery for your snail to use as a home – Various sizes of rocks for your snail to hide amongst – Bark and branches for your snail to climb up high – Small statuettes to add scenery and aesthetic to the tank – A broken plate or small dish to put your snail’s food on
Q: Do snails harm a garden?
A: Yes, snails are able to destroy a plant seemingly rapidly by eating up the soft and tender leaves. They especially prefer newly sprouted leaflets but will eat just about any plant foliage- whether veggies, herbs, or decorative plants. They have a nonstop appetite that will pierce holes through your leaves and jagged edges around your greens.
Q: Can a snail live in a terrarium?
A: There are actually several answers to that question. The first is, “Yes, a snail can live in a terrarium.” This is true if you allow your snail to get enough space in its tank.
Q: Can a garden snail live in water?
A: They can live on land as well as in the water (snails and shellfish). In the following, only the biology of the land snail is described. In land snails, oxygen intake occurs through a network of thin-walled . blood vessels in the mantle cavity under the shell. Loss of water through breathing is a serious problem for snails that live on land.