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Q: What is an LPS coral?
A: If you’ve spent time haunting coral displays in your local pet store, you may have glimpsed a few different LPS corals. These vibrant species have long sweeper tentacles (more on those later), a rainbow of colors, and flowing movements. So how to tell an LPS coral from an SPS coral?
Q: Can LPS corals live in a reef tank?
A: LPS corals have aggressive reputations, courtesy of their sweeper tentacles. These long, stinging tentacles have impressive reaches, and they prevent other corals from settling in the vicinity. You’ll need to bear that in mind when placing your LPS corals in the reef tank.
Q: What are the easiest LPS corals to handle?
A: Once you’ve mastered the reef tank, any LPS coral is up for grabs. As long as you stay on top of water quality and take care with your placement (so you don’t lose neighbors to those sweeper tentacles), you’re golden. These are just some of the easiest LPS corals to handle. 1. Candy Cane Coral (Caulastrea furcata)