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Q: Where to get miracle berries?
A: Miracle berry ( Synsepalum dulcificum) is an evergreen shrub that is native to tropical West Africa. Outside of the tropics, it is a houseplant that is also known as sweet berry and miracle fruit. This interesting plant bears attractive and edible red fruit that are ¾ to 1 inch (2-2.5 cm.) long with a seed surrounded by fleshy pulp.
Q: What to eat with miracle berries?
A: – Limes and Lemons (These are just amazing, Particularly limes. It’s my go-to favorite with miracle berries.) – Balsamic Vinegar (It’s sweet and not harsh at all. … – Guinness (Tastes like a chocolate shake. … – Cream Cheese (Tastes like cheesecake.) – Strawberries (It’s like you dipped them in sugar, but you DIDN’T! …
Q: How to grow miracle fruit?
A: Grow your miracle fruit plant in fertilizer-free soil or potting mix. Water the plant with rainwater or nonchlorinated distilled water before feeding. Dilute 1/4 teaspoon of soluble fertilizer,such as 20-20-20 or 7-9-5,with one gallon of water.