2,309 (random num) Reviews Scanned
Q: Is it better to use a spatula or a suction cup?
A: In the end, the spatula is just one more thing to clean, and we’re washing our hands after every diaper change anyways, so the product is causing more problems than solving for us. The suction cup (like any other suction cup) is very dependent on the surface you’re working on.
Q: Do you need a spatula for applying diaper cream?
A: Baby Bum Brush Of all the baby gear items that fall under the “Must-Have” category, a dedicated spatula for applying diaper cream probably doesn’t seem like one of them. But it is. No, wait! This is not a joke.
Q: Why do you use Butt Paste?
A: We use butt paste as a preventative so we use it a lot and these things make it way easier to apply. The small one comes in a case which is convenient for the diaper bag. The hole on the top of the case allows you to hang it on the bag so you aren’t fishing for it.