2,635 (random num) Reviews Scanned
Q: Who is the best chibson seller?
A: Cathy has a reputation for being one of the better sellers in the Chibson business, though if this is true, I’d hate to think what junk other non-reputable sellers are putting out there, but more on that later. We exchanged a few emails to hash out the spec and pricing details, money was handled through PayPal and the build was underway.
Q: Will I get my money back if my chibson is stolen?
A: This does happen from time to time, and while most sellers will refund your money in these cases, there is no guarantee you will get your money back. You can request your Chibson be made with your own name and logo – which will minimize the risk of confiscation. Some sellers will do this for free, while others will charge a nominal fee.
Q: Should you buy a Gibson Guitar for $250?
A: Keep in mind that your expectations need to be realistic. You are ordering a cheap copy of a guitar from China, not a $2,000 guitar from your local guitar shop. If you are expecting Gibson quality for $250, you will be sadly disappointed. With Chibsons, you have to find the charm in them for what they are.
Q: Why is my chibson so expensive?
A: My Chibson is already destined to spend it’s life as an expensive art piece. Besides the fact these sellers make most of their money selling counterfeit versions of more expensive guitars and shouldn’t be supported for this practice, the instruments can just be downright crap.