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Q: What does a Viking helmet tattoo mean?
A: Perhaps with a stylized design or perhaps in full color as part of a dramatic statement tattoo, there will be no denying your love for all-things Norse. A Viking helmet tattoo is an undeniable representation of strength and power, reflecting the very essence of a warrior.
Q: What do Viking tattoos look like?
A: Not all Viking tattoos just depict rugged bearded men in helmets wielding axes. For those who want to delve deeper into Viking lore, they incorporate Viking symbols into the artwork they get inked on their bodies. For instance, the sleeve tattoo below includes The Helm of Awe (left) on this guy’s shoulder.
Q: Did Vikings have horns on their helmets?
A: A Viking with a horned helmet was never depicted in Viking lore, and the only verified Viking helmet (found in a burial mound near Gjermundbu, Norway) did not have horns. Not all Viking tattoos just depict rugged bearded men in helmets wielding axes.
Q: What are the best Norse tattoo designs?
A: A common choice of Norse-inspired tattoo is the classic Viking longship. Without longships, the Vikings would never have been able to travel as widely as they did or achieve the success as a civilization that they were able to accomplish. Longships were revolutionary in their day and had a highly distinctive design that works well in tattoo form.