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Q: Where can I buy a motorcycle helmet online?
A: Amazon.com Automotive has a wide variety of helmet types, ranging from flip-up helmets, full face, open face, and off-road motorcycle helmets. Our selection also includes vented helmets for a more comfortable ride and snowmobile helmets for winter riding.
Q: Where can I buy the best ATV helmets?
A: If you’re looking for some of the best ATV helmets around, you can’t go wrong when you shop at Rocky Mountain ATV/MC. We’ve assembled a huge selection of helmets that are perfect for the intense off-road riding that you love.
Q: How old are the helmets made?
A: All U.S. helmets are assembled using military surplus steel pots. These are 40-70 years old and all saw service. Most are not mint, flawless, stored in a shock-proof-vault-just-for-u. Although we repaint and refurbish them, some evidence of their past use or wear is likely.
Q: What kind of helmets did they use in WWII?
A: M1 Helmets The M-1 helmet was the standard issue combat headgear used by the United States military from 1941 until the late 1980’s. We use original military issue steel shells and a mix of authentic and reproduction liners (depending on the model) to re-create the WWII versions of this classic helmet.