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Q: How do you know if something is affected by a spell?
A: If the far edge of a square is within the spell’s area, anything within that square is within the spell’s area. If the spell’s area only touches the near edge of a square, however, anything within that square is unaffected by the spell.
Q: What are templates in D&D?
A: This kind of template is added to a creature well after its birth or creation. Some templates, like the lich, are the results of a creature’s choice and desire to transform. Others, like the ghost template, are the result of an external force acting upon a creature (for example, when a tormented person dies and becomes a ghost).
Q: How do you use a line shaped spell?
A: A line-shaped spell shoots away from you in a line in the direction you designate. It starts from any corner of your square and extends to the limit of its range or until it strikes a barrier that blocks line of effect. A line-shaped spell affects all creatures in squares through which the line passes.
Q: When does a creature become a template?
A: Yet in both cases, the template changed a creature well after its birth or creation—these types are called “acquired templates,” and can be added to a creature at any time during its existence. Some templates, such as the half-dragon and half-fiend templates, are part of a creature from the beginning of its existence.