3,016 (random num) Reviews Scanned
Q: How can neat help you scan your receipts?
A: Scan with any TWAIN-compliant scanner, snap a picture using our mobile app, email, or drag and drop documents into Neat and our OCR software will turn your paper document into usable, keyword-searchable data. Breakdown your receipts, line-by-line.
Q: What is the Neat Company?
A: The Neat Company: Small business finances made easy Join Over 100K Small Business Owners Saving Hundreds of Hours a Year on Accounting Now Neat’s mobile accounting software and document cloud storage saves you time by simplifying how you track money and financial records on the go.
Q: How do I get my Documents into neat?
A: Getting items into Neat is simple. Scan with any TWAIN-compliant scanner, snap a picture using our mobile app, email, or drag and drop documents into Neat and our OCR software will turn your paper document into usable, keyword-searchable data. Breakdown your receipts, line-by-line.
Q: How can neat help you organize your receipts?
A: Scan with any TWAIN-compliant scanner, snap a picture using our mobile app, email, or drag and drop documents into Neat and our OCR software will turn your paper document into usable, keyword-searchable data. Breakdown your receipts, line-by-line. You can categorize, split, add, and edit line items for any matched receipt.