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Q: What is the average price of a Moleskine planner?
A: Though there’s a two-week free trial, the price tag could be enough to put some users off. We’d recommend giving this kind or journaling a try to see if it’s worth the $40/£40 yearly fee before committing. Hi! Thanks for reading. This post looks better in our award-winning app, Tips & Tricks for iPhone.
Q: How to set up a Moleskine notebook?
A: @todo 7 pages tracks actions and things I need to accomplish. uses common methods for tracking status in boxes (Covey,GTD,etc) @daily 16 pages this is the calendar to track appointments,by week (photo below) it uses two pages per week with a section for each day there is a separate section for overflow appointments for any day
Q: How did the Moleskine notebook get its name?
A: The name Moleskine does not have an official pronunciation in any language other than Italian. In the mid-1990s, Maria Sebregondi pitched the idea of resurrecting the iconic notebooks to the company Modo & Modo, despite the shelves of stationery stores already being stocked with blank books at the time.
Q: What is special about Moleskine notebooks?
A: What is so special about Moleskine notebooks? Moleskine notebooks are small notebooks that you can toss in a backpack, pocket or briefcase to jot down ideas as you go about your life. They have high-quality materials and are never spiral-bound. Their semi-hard vinyl covers mean they can hold up well even when stuffed in a back pocket.