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Q: What colour are bonnets made of?
A: All bonnets mentioned above were blue in colour, but there are other colours which were worn. Martin Martin recorded that: “on their Heads wear Bonnets made of thick Cloth, some blew, some black, and some gray”. Martin was writing at the turn of the 18th century from the Western Isles of Scotland.
Q: What is another name for a bonnet?
A: Other types of bonnet might otherwise be called “caps”, for example the Scottish blue bonnet worn by working-class men and women, a kind of large floppy beret . Bonnet derives from the same word in French, where it originally indicated a type of material.
Q: Are bonnets popular in the US?
A: Bonnets in recent times in the US are more commonly associated with the African-American community. Modern bonnets are often made of silk or satin to preserve one’s hairstyle while asleep or lying down. They maintain a similar shape to bonnets that were popular in the 1960s.
Q: What is bonnet headgear?
A: Bonnet has been used as the name for a wide variety of headgear for all sexes—more often female—from the Middle Ages to the present.