1,986 (random num) Reviews Scanned
Q: How many games are on the Leapfrog just for me?
A: Access 1,000+ games and more (sold separately) designed or approved by LeapFrog educators with select titles featuring Just For Me™ Learning. Our most durable LeapPad with a shatter-safe screen and wrap-around bumper to withstand a child’s tough love.
Q: What features does the Leapfrog Learning App have to offer?
A: Features a huge 7-inch hi-res touchscreen that delivers big, crisp, sharp graphics making learning fun come to life. Access 1,000+ games and more (sold separately) designed or approved by LeapFrog educators with select titles featuring Just For Me™ Learning.
Q: What makes LeapPad so special?
A: Our most durable LeapPad with a shatter-safe screen and wrap-around bumper to withstand a child’s tough love. Built with our fast, powerful quad-core processor for lightning-fast fun. Features password protected time limits that let parents manage kids’ play, and customize experiences for each age and stage.