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Q: How to cosplay as the Joker?
A: – You can pick up grease paint at costume shops. – Be careful not to get paint in your eyes as you apply it! – If you want to look like Heath Ledger’s Joker, smear the lipstick a little and apply the makeup sloppily.
Q: What is the Jokers outfit?
A: Joker is a tall man with long, black, stringy hair that falls below his shoulders, and a concentric circle-shaped iris in his right gray eye (purple in the anime). Despite being a drifter of sorts, Joker is surprisingly well-dressed. His typical outfit resembles the dress of Victorian or Edwardian gentlemen: a black bowler hat, white button up …
Q: How to make Joker costume at home?
A: The Joker wears a suit so to keep things simple, you could find a grey shirt and trousers and give your outfit a touch of color with the suit jacket and tie, in green and purple. You can wear a green jacket and a purple tie or vice versa. Now follow our step-by-step guide for Joker makeup for your perfect Joker costume from the Dark Night.
Q: What make up is good for a Joker costume?
A: Cover your face in white to build the foundation for the look. Get some water-activated face paints. Add a bright red smile that’s a little bigger than your lips. Activate the red paint and grab a fresh cotton ball or cotton pad. Add black or blue around the eyes depending on the look you’re going for. …