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Q: How do you find the hundredths place in a decimal?
A: The decimal point is used to separate the whole numbers from numbers that are smaller than one whole. Numbers to the right of the decimal point are shown in the decimal place value columns. From left to right,we have tenths,hundredths,thousandths,ten thousandths and so on.
Q: What is 2 ones and 5 hundredths as a decimal?
A: Since 5 hundredths is 5 over one hundred, 5 hundredths as a Fraction is 5/100. If you divide 5 by one hundred you get 5 hundredths as a decimal which is 0.05. What is 4 tenths as a decimal?
Q: How to write hundredths in decimal form?
A: How To Write Hundredths In Decimal Form Then we place the left of the decimal over 1 with this many zeros.Write the decimal for each of the following: 1.) one and thirty five hundredths.Understand the role of the decimal point and the relationship among tenths, hundredths, and thousandths.If the last number is two places away from the decimal point, it is in the hundredths place.ANSWER KEY …
Q: How do you write ten thousandths as a decimal?
A: How do you write ten thousandths as a decimal? The first digit to the right of decimal point is in the tenths place. The second digit to the right of decimal point is in the hundredths place. The third digit to the right of decimal point is in the thousandths place.