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Q: Where can I get a gold grill for my teeth?
A: Get a gold grill, custom fit for your mouth, without leaving your house, with a guarantee, only at Krunk Grillz! From click to krunk in about a week… We’ll mail you a mold-kit to make an impression of your teeth, mail it back, then we hand-make your custom gold, platinum or silver slugs.
Q: Why choose Krunk Grillz Gold Slugs?
A: Invest in top quality custom gold grillz and your teeth will thank you. Gold slugs are currently one of the hottest trends in fashion. Krunk Grillz was featured on SpikeTV’s Ink Master TV show. Celebrities, athletes and bosses get their diamonds right here.
Q: How long do 14k gold teeth Grillz last?
A: At 14K Gold Teeth, we only use real gold and real silver and are quality checked for purity. Currently, we don’t offer permanents, so you can confidently wear your grillz and then remove them when you don’t want to wear them. With proper care, you can wear your grillz for years and years.
Q: What is a custom made gold Grillz?
A: Custom gold grillz is a product that is custom made to fit your teeth. Because everyone’s teeth differ in size and shape, there is not one exact way to make a type of product to fit perfectly. This is why people want a custom made gold teeth. The product is tailored to fit flawlessly into his or her teeth.