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Q: How long can you take Fibercon?
A: Take each dose of this product with at least 8 ounces (a full glass) of water or other fluid. Taking this product without enough liquid may cause choking. See choking warning.FiberCon works naturally so continued use for one to three days is normally required to provide full benefit.
Q: Is Fibercon a laxative?
A: FiberCon is a capsule taken by mouth used to treat occasional constipation. FiberCon is a bulk forming laxative containing 625 mg of calcium polycarbophil in each capsule. Adults are advised by FiberCon.com to take two capsules up to four times per day for no longer than seven days.
Q: What is the difference between Dulcolax and Metamucil?
A: Verified Hello,Duclolax, Surfak, Colace, etc are Stool softeners – they are not ‘bulking’ agents. Metamucil – is a fiber product and is considered a bulking age – to give you more ‘formed’ stools. Dr. Owen, Board Certified Physician
Q: What is the dosage recommendation for Metamucil?
A: What Is the Dosage Recommendation for Metamucil? The dosage recommendation for adults and children over 12 taking Metamucil Smooth Texture Orange Flavor is 1 tablespoon mixed with 8 ounces of a cool liquid no more than three times a day when constipation first occurs, according to Metamucil. Children under 12 should not use Metamucil daily.