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Q: What does a flag tattoo mean to you?
A: Through crisis, the flag always has and will continue to unite and strengthen Americans to overcome all obstacles that might come our way. The flag tattoo also represents freedom—the freedom for Americans to dream, the freedom to have a voice and to vote. What Do The Colors of American Flag Symbolize?
Q: What colors do flag tattoos look best in?
A: Though they look best when fully colored in red, white, and blue, American flag tattoos also work well when in black-and-gray style. Unlike certain European countries which shall remain unnamed, the American flag is easily distinguishable. It’s impossible for someone to mistake the American flag for the flag of another country.
Q: Where should you put American flag tattoos?
A: You can have a full blown-out American flag tattoo on your upper back or chest. You can also go for a small one on the upper arm or forearm or a large one that wraps around your sleeves. The best place to put American flag tattoos are in areas where others can see them easily. Having them in hidden areas defeats the purpose of the tattoos.
Q: What are black and white patriotic tattoos?
A: Starkly solemn, black and white patriotic tattoos are different from the usual. So much artistry is put in inking, and attention to detail is also important. Price-wise, B&W tats are more affordable than colored ones. However, we love the flag in all its colors.