1,646 (random num) Reviews Scanned
Q: What are the best chocolate flavored cigars?
A: ACID ACID Cigars ACID G-Fresh Baccarat Baccarat Repeater Backwoods Cigars Bering Bering Sabor Especial Black&Mild Cigars CAO Flavours
Q: Do flavored cigars smell better than cigarettes?
A: Usually they are cigars that have been dipped in pure coffee or rum, that have been dried out. But can also have a sweetened tip, or be stictly kept in a cedar sleeve, to give it a more intense wood flavor. To answer your question, yes they smell WAY better than cigarettes.
Q: Where to buy flavored cigarettes?
A: You can buy Marlboro cigarettes online for $20.41 per carton at smokin4free.com, which might seem like a lot, but it’s worth it. Native Americans are the best to buy from. You can buy cartons instead of single packs…
Q: Can you smoke a chocolate cigarette?
A: Once you have your cigarette firmly into your mouth, you can start to ‘smoke’ it. There are various ways of doing this. The best approach (in my humble opinion ) is to let the chocolate melt a bit (it will) and gently suck the chocolate out. Don’t chew the cigarette unless you wish to chew on a ball of paper.