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Q: What happened to the beta Hood?
A: The Beta Hood was released a few months after the Beta Testing ended. It left stores and when it returned, a new color had replaced it. Notice: Be cautious when trading for the the Beta Blanket, Beta Tiara, and Beta Hood.
Q: What color is a beta Hood?
A: The “Fake” Beta Hood is often used to scam. The eyepiece and shade of grey are identical, but the actual hood’s color is not. While the fake hood is a dull blue, the real Beta Hood is teal (a more green-tinted blue).
Q: What are the different types of hoods in the forgotten desert?
A: All versions, with the exception of the ‘beta’ hood, can be won in The Forgotten Desert. Only one version is referred to as the ‘beta hood’; this variant is the teal hood, with a green eyepiece. The Beta Hood is part of the ” Beta Set “. The “Fake” Beta Hood is often used to scam.
Q: When did the teal hood come out?
A: It was released back in Jam-Mart Clothing in January 2020. All versions, with the exception of the ‘beta’ hood, can be won in The Forgotten Desert. Only one version is referred to as the ‘beta hood’; this variant is the teal hood, with a green eyepiece.