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Q: How do I crack my back?
A: Move forward in your seat to crack higher up on your back, or move backward to crack lower on your back. However you crack your back, remember to be gentle and move slowly so you don’t hurt yourself.
Q: How to crack your mid-to-lower back?
A: Another way to crack your mid-to-lower back is to lay on your back (supine) and use your leg / knee as a lever in order to achieve rotation. Make sure the floor is cushioned or padded for the most comfort. Lie flat on your back on a cushioned floor, raise a leg to your chest while bending it at the knee.
Q: What does it mean when you crack your back?
A: Rotation of the spine can crack most areas of your back, especially the lumbar region or low back. While standing with your feet shoulder-width apart (for stability and balance), place your arms in front of you, bent at the elbows.
Q: Is it safe to crack your back?
A: How to Crack Your Back. Cracking joints (also called joint cavitations) often feels good because it can release tension and increase the range of motion. Cracking or releasing the spinal joints of your back is usually safe if done in a controlled manner and within the normal planes of motion of the spine.