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Q: What is a bayonet used for?
A: A bayonet is a knife, or bladed weapon designed to fit on the end of a rifle’s muzzle, allowing it to be used as a secondary weapon or last resort. Modern bayonets are often multi-purpose knives such as the Soviet ak47/AKM bayonet which was also a ground breaking survival knife that can be used as a wire-cutter when combined with its scabbard.
Q: What is the best bayonet for the AR15?
A: Best Bayonet for the AR15 Best Bayonet for the 590a1 (The Shot gun) Conclusion Reach your true potential Reach your true potential Best Bayonet- My Top 3 1. Ontario M9 Bayonet ((See More Photos))
Q: What kind of bayonet has a scabbard with an M8A1?
A: AR-15/M16 M7 Bayonet with US M8A1 scabbard. Original USGI Surplus in excellent condition. Generally has a rack ID sharpied upon masking tape or directly on scabbard (see photo 2).
Q: What is a colt 62316 bayonet?
A: The M7 bayonet was used by the U.S. Military for the M16 rifle during the Vietnam War. The bayonet was manufactured under the Colt contract by the Imperial Knife Company. The blade is marked “Colt 62316”. Used, condition.