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Q: What is AR 15 used for?
A: The gun industry, gun owners and their supporters say AR-15s are used for hunting, target practice and shooting competitions and should remain legal. Because AR-15-style weapons are semiautomatic, the shooter must pull the trigger to fire each shot from a magazine that often holds 30 rounds.
Q: Why do you need an AR 15?
A: those that think you’ll absolutely need an AR-15 WTSHTF, those that think one is totally unnecessary,and those who are not sure.
Q: What are the parts of an AR 15?
A: AR-15 Parts Diagram. To have a clear understanding of the AR-15,please refer to the picture below. … Upper Receiver Parts Bolt Carrier Group. The bolt carrier group comprises the bolt carrier with key and key screw,bolt catch with pin,spring,and plunger,and the bolt ring. Muzzle Group. … Barrel. … Lower Parts Kit. …
Q: What is the best AR 15?
A: Red dot. Red dot optics are the simplest optics on this list. … Holographic. Holographic sights work by projecting an image with lasers between two mirrors and two panes of glass,causing a reticle that “floats” in front of your weapon when viewed … Fixed-power. … Variable-power. …