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Q: What is Acey-Deucey?
A: Acey-deucey (also spelled “acey-deucy” or “acey-ducey”) is one of the most popular backgammon variants. It is a faster game and in some ways more exciting than regular backgammon. The main distinguishing feature is the roll of 1 and 2 (acey-deucey) which gives the player who rolls it extra turns. There are several ways of playing of Acey-Deucey.
Q: What is on the Acey Deucey board?
A: This colorful Acey-Deucey board was printed on canvas and incorporates a seahorse, mermaid, compass rose, U.S. Navy Officer Rank Insignias and U.S. Navy Enlisted Rating Badges. Acey-deucey is a tables game, a family of board games that includes backgammon.
Q: What is Acey Deucey in horse racing?
A: Acey-deucey is deliberately riding a horse with one stirrup shorter than the other. It is most often seen in racing in the United States, where a jockey will slightly lengthen the inside stirrup to gain better balance on turns, all of which are left-handed in America.
Q: What counts as a roll of acey deucey?
A: After rolling and playing doubles or acey-deucey, the player must roll and move again. A roll of acey-deucey counts as a 1-2, and as doubles of the player’s choice.