20 Best Acie Ducie in UK 2025 Reviews and Buying Guide

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After tons of hours of researching and comparing all models on the market today, Flash Splash finds out the Best Acie Ducie of 2022. Check out our list of 20 products.



Q: What is Acey-Deucey?

A: Acey-deucey (also spelled “acey-deucy” or “acey-ducey”) is one of the most popular backgammon variants. It is a faster game and in some ways more exciting than regular backgammon. The main distinguishing feature is the roll of 1 and 2 (acey-deucey) which gives the player who rolls it extra turns. There are several ways of playing of Acey-Deucey.

Q: What is on the Acey Deucey board?

A: This colorful Acey-Deucey board was printed on canvas and incorporates a seahorse, mermaid, compass rose, U.S. Navy Officer Rank Insignias and U.S. Navy Enlisted Rating Badges. Acey-deucey is a tables game, a family of board games that includes backgammon.

Q: What is Acey Deucey in horse racing?

A: Acey-deucey is deliberately riding a horse with one stirrup shorter than the other. It is most often seen in racing in the United States, where a jockey will slightly lengthen the inside stirrup to gain better balance on turns, all of which are left-handed in America.

Q: What counts as a roll of acey deucey?

A: After rolling and playing doubles or acey-deucey, the player must roll and move again. A roll of acey-deucey counts as a 1-2, and as doubles of the player’s choice.