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Q: Are there any memes for anniversaries?
A: An anniversay is a very important milestone. Whether it’s for a couple, or amongst friends, or years spent at a company, anniversaries need to be remembered and celebrated. We have collected 25 of the funniest memes for every type of anniversary.
Q: What do you say to someone on their 9th Anniversary?
A: Happy anniversary to the world’s most annoying human that I know. You are annoying but so adorable, and I love to get annoyed by you, darling. I cannot even imagine what my life would be without you. Happy 9 year anniversary, babe. All I have is unconditional love and support for you in my heart.
Q: What does Oprah’s ‘work anniversary’ meme mean?
A: This playful work anniversary meme celebrates another year around the sun. In classic Oprah fashion, she yells out prizes for attendees of her show-except the gift is knowing the team needs the recipient and loves them enough to keep them around!
Q: What is a fun work anniversary quote?
A: A: A fun work anniversary quote is anything that lightens up the mood. It helps if there are any good-natured inside jokes between the office. Q: How can I wish someone a happy work anniversary with a meme?